He's waited a long time to be one hand and he's super proud of it today!
My sweet son turned a year older today. It was a sweet, relaxing day. He was all smiles, and let's document it folks - he took a NAP today!!!
Ella made a comment to me last night as we were preparing for today. She looked at me in the kitchen and quite matter of factly said,
"So mama - the waiting is over. Lucas has a younger sibling now for celebrating his birthday. You waited a long time for that didn't you?"
And she was right - and to see my three kids celebrate together tonight warmed my heart.
As is tradition for me, I document my kids birthday's on my blog - mainly for me as the years go by.
The last year my sweet boy had grown up ALOT. Probably more than my heart wanted for him to experience and feel. He came to me more than normal today for hugs and to sit in my lap. He knows deep down what today means for him. He knows that P loves him in her own way, although most days he struggles to understand.
My boy, who loves me with the deepest love possible is dear to me. I love you sweetie.