Motherhood- it's a word that encompasses so many feelings, emotions and actions. It's a word that stirs a deep love within my soul.
Motherhood is praying for a child, not knowing when he or she might arrive.
Motherhood is holding your first daughter in your arms, literally amazed at her beauty, amazed that your body actually birthed this human being. It's realizing at that moment that she means everything to you.
Motherhood is praying for 2 years for a child. It's not giving up when the prayers are unanswered. It's waiting - waiting for someone one else to give birth. It's jumping everytime the phone rang, thinking your child had been born. It's answering those calls and realizing you have to wait again.
Motherhood is holding your child at 3 days old, not at the moment of his birth. It's holding your son for the first time, and experiencing a sense of calmness that is supernatural. It's in that moment that your mind wonders to God and you know this child was meant to be.
Motherhood is seeing your 3rd child and meeting him for the first time via text message. It's holding him for the first time, only to have your heart break with pain for him as you see him suffering. It's holding a child in the dark NICU for days on end, wondering when he'll stop crying or start eating.
Motherhood is realizing that some of my children are loved by someone else just as much as I love them. It's remembering that someone else birthed them and love them in their own way. It's remembering to honor and love that other mother always, in actions and words.
Motherhood is sleepless nights. Far too many sleepless nights. It's getting up just to "check on them" one more time.
Motherhood is loving your child so fiercely that you never understood the concept of "Mama Bear" till it was put to the test.
Motherhood is being humbled to realize that God placed each one of my children into my arms and allows me to love them and guide them to understand the greatness and beauty of Christ.
Motherhood is fighting hard for your child, when people look at you and judge you silently. It's not caring what the looks means. It menns having a backbone stronger than your child's and being the best advocate you can be for them. It's being their voice when they don't have one.
Motherhood is a place I call home.
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